Primary Hypothesis
Our primary hypothesis is that poor NPi is a biomarker of elevated ICP.
Linear Association of NPi and ICP
Note: Perhaps we should include in supplementary - but may be good to show as not finding a linear association could still be an important finding
closest <- closest %>%
mutate(NPi_bins3 = fct_relevel(NPi_bins3,
"< 1",
ggplot(closest %>% filter(timediff <= 96),
aes(x = ICP, y = minNPi, color = Study_ID)) +
geom_point() +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "none")
Association of NPi binned by reactivity and ICP
ggplot(closest, aes(x = NPi_bins3, y = ICP, fill = NPi_bins3)) +
geom_boxplot() +
scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, alpha=0.8) +
geom_jitter(color = "black", size=0.4, alpha=0.2) +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "none")
Random Mixed-effects Models
When conducting a random mixed-effects logistic regression model controlling for patient as a random effect, we observe that poor NPi (NPi < 1), is significantly associated with an increased odds of having a ICP spike.
Adjusting for Covariates
EVD drainage is confounding variable -> can influence the exposure (NPi) and the outcome (ICP), however, having two variables that indicate EVD drainage before NPi and ICP would likely be correlated.
When looking at the contingency tables, we can see that for patients with EVD drainage, there were only 35 instances where the drainage did not occur within 1 hour before both the NPi and ICP measurement. Thus, we can create a variable EVD_Either
to indicate whether there was EVD drainage either before NPi, ICP, or both measurements.
## 0 1
## 0 763 224
## 1 35 808
ggplot(closest %>%
mutate(NPi_bins3 = fct_relevel(NPi_bins3,
"< 1",
aes(x = NPi_bins3, y = ICP, fill = as.factor(EVD_Either))) +
geom_boxplot() +
scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, alpha=0.8) +
geom_jitter(color = "black", size=0.4, alpha=0.2) +
Random Mixed-effects Models
closest$NPi_bins3 <- relevel(closest$NPi_bins3,"3-5")
m1.2 <- tidy(glmer(spike ~ NPi_bins3 + EVD_Either + (1|Study_ID),
family = "binomial",
data = closest),
effects = "fixed")
We will also assess interaction terms. For example, NPi_bins3< 1:EVD_Either
examines whether poor pupil reactivity has an interaction with EVD drainage occurring within 1 hour before. No significance was found, suggesting that we can remove the iteraction term from our model.
Unique patients with hemi-crani
## [1] 11
Number of observations post hemi-craniectomy
## 0 1
## 1512 318
Only 4 patients with hemi-crani and ICP > 22 after hemi-craniectomy
closest %>%
filter(Study_ID %in% crani_pts$Study_ID,
ICP > 22,
hemi_crani_before == 1) %>%
distinct(Study_ID, Diagnosis)
## Study_ID Diagnosis
## 1 102 TBI
## 2 118 TBI
## 3 219 aSAH
## 4 230 IPH
Distributions of NPi and ICP in observations of patients who had hemi-craniectomy at some point within the first 96 hours
In patients with hemi-craniectomy, we have very little data for observations prior to surgery. The following plots show the distribution of NPi and ICP for only the 11 patients with hemi-craniectomy at some point
Note: Patient 118 has all NPi = and always elevated ICP, 102 has 2 measurements with NPi <= 3, but the other two patients have normal NPi
ggplot(closest %>%
filter(Study_ID %in% crani_pts$Study_ID),
aes(x = minNPi, fill = as.factor(hemi_crani_before))) +
geom_histogram() +
scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, alpha=0.8) +
theme_bw() +
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
ggplot(closest %>%
filter(Study_ID %in% crani_pts$Study_ID),
aes(x = ICP, fill = as.factor(hemi_crani_before))) +
geom_histogram() +
scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, alpha=0.8) +
theme_bw() +
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
ggplot(closest %>%
mutate(NPi_bins3 = fct_relevel(NPi_bins3,
"< 1",
aes(x = NPi_bins3, y = ICP, fill = as.factor(hemi_crani_before))) +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_point(alpha = 0.1, position=position_jitterdodge()) +
scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, alpha=0.8) +
Random Mixed-effects Models
Hemi-craniectomy does not seem to be a predictor of spikes in ICP
closest$NPi_bins3 <- relevel(closest$NPi_bins3,"3-5")
m1.4 <- tidy(glmer(spike ~ NPi_bins3 + as.factor(hemi_crani_before) + (1|Study_ID),
family = "binomial",
data = closest),
effects = "fixed")
Stratify observations into hemi vs non-hemicraniectomy observations
Without hemi-craniectomy observations, NPi < 1 is still significantly associated with spikes in ICP.
m1.5 <- tidy(glmer(spike ~ NPi_bins3 + EVD_Either + (1|Study_ID),
family = "binomial",
data = closest %>% filter(hemi_crani_before == 0)),
effects = "fixed")
To evaluate NPi in patients with hemi-craniectomy, we need to use 2 bins as we don’t have enough observations for the 3 bin approach. We see that NPi < 3 is not significantly associated with spikes in ICP in patients observations post-hemicraniectomy